Project Eligibility Criteria for Housing Developer Sector

 No Criteria  Sample projects
Adoption of Green Technology in the construction, management, maintenance and demolition of buildings.


  1. Building: Office, Shopping complex, Hospital & clinic, Hotel and resort, University/ college and research institution, factoring  building, exhibition hall and School, telecommunication tower, transmission tower and other type of building or structure as may be advised from time to time.



  • The developer of Green Building must obtain Design Assessment/Provisional Certificate from locally developed rating tools/certification body recognized by MGTC
  • Company is allowed to submit application after receiving Design Assessment/Provisional Certificate and not later than being awarded by Final Green Building Certificate

Building owner: self-occupy

Developer: Green building, housing projects (link house, condominium, apartment, bungalow, etc), commercial buildings.

A Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
  1. Minimum EE Performance – Compliance to minimum requirement of MS1525:2007 (Code of Practice on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy for Non-residential Buildings)
  • Building envelope (Overall Thermal Transfer Value; OTTV or Roof Thermal Transfer Value; RTTV)
  • High efficient equipment (e.g motor, chiller, pump, fan & blower, cooling tower, transformer, boiler and ballast
  • Boiler economizer or air pre-heater
  • Control (Building Energy Management System; BEMS, Variable Speed Drive; VSD. etc.)
  • Enhanced post occupancy commissioning and verification, and sustainable maintenance
  • Energy management
B Indoor Environmental Quality
  1. Minimum Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Performance- Minimum IAQ performance to enhance indoor air quality in building,  thus contributing to the comfort and well-being of the occupants.



  1. Low indoor air pollutants, mould prevention
  • Carbon Dioxide Monitoring and Control,
  • Good thermal comfort control system,
  • Effective air change
  • Acceptable lighting levels
  • Daylight glare control
  • Low internal noise levels.
  • Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) level
C Materials & Resources
  1. Reuse materials, recycle content materials and construction waste management.
  1. Use of environmentally-friendly Refrigerants and Clean Agents.
  • Record of reuse and recycle content materials.
  • R-134a, Hydrocarbon refrigerant

Water Efficiency

  1. Rainwater harvesting to reduce potable water consumption
  2. Water recycling to reduce potable water consumption
  3. Water efficient (irrigation/landscaping)-encourage the design of system that does not require the use of potable water supply from the local water
  4. Water efficient fittings-encourage reduction in potable water consumption through use of efficient devices
  5. Metering and leak detection system-encourage the design of systems that monitors and manages water consumption
  • Rainwater Harvesting system
  • Dual piping to allow the use of grey water
  • Water efficient fittings
  • Metering & Leak Detection System